Consent Orders are a written agreement between the former spouses that is approved by the Family Court of Australia. They can be made in relation to parenting matters, or financial matters, or both and are legally enforceable.
Even if think you don’t need a Will or if the topic is something you prefer to avoid, the preparation of a Will is an important step that can save your family a lot of stress, hassle, disagreement and even money.
Having personally been in practice for 40 years and having been pedantic in our policy of how legal documents are properly signed and witnessed, we are now able to use technology to be able to remotely witness you signing documents.
Testamentary Trusts are estate planning tools which are useful for a range of reasons, including for wealth protection and due to the tax advantages. This article looks at the benefits of Testamentary Trust versus a simple Will.
There are a number of issues to consider when selling your café business and where to start can be a daunting process. Here are 10 legal issues that should be considered when you prepare for selling your cafe.
Commercial leases are certainly a hot topic at the moment for landlords and tenants alike. The Federal Government has now passed its mandatory code of conduct and the NSW State Government is in the process of finalising its legislation which supports the code for NSW lease transactions.
Every adult should have a Will which is professionally drafted by a lawyer experienced in Wills. There is a temptation to save money by using a free (or very cheap) DIY Will kit but there are inherent risks.
You are just getting a loan from your bank for your business and the banking officer tells you that you need to provide an independent legal advice certificate. What now?