
How does an AVO effect parenting orders?

How does an Apprehended Violence Order effect Parenting Orders?

In this article, we examine the impact of an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) on any Parenting Orders that are in place in your family law matter.
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Disclosure in family law

What is disclosure in family law?

We outline why disclosure is important and provide information on some of the common misunderstandings and frequently asked questions about what disclosure is and why disclosure is required in a family law matter.
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A guide to using Testamentary Discretionary Trusts

A guide to using Testamentary Discretionary Trusts

Testamentary Discretionary Trusts are a very useful and beneficial tool that can be provided for your family in your Will. But it is important that your family is aware of those benefits and does not immediately fear that using the Trust will be too complex or difficult.
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Differences between joint tenants and tenants in common

Should I purchase property as joint tenants or tenants in common

The two options when purchasing property with others are to purchase as either joint tenants or tenants in common. Here, we explore the differences.
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Rate adjustments and other expenses due at settlement

Calculating rates and other expenses when buying or selling property

In this article, we outline how the balance to be paid by a purchaser on completion of a property conveyance, is calculated when considering these rates and expenses.
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How does a discretionary trust work in relation to my Will?

Is my family or discretionary trust included in my estate?

If you have assets in a family or discretionary trust or you’re looking to create a family or discretionary trust, then the way the trust would be dealt with under your Will or estate should be considered.
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Benefits of a binding death benefit nomination in superannuation

Should I make a superannuation Binding Death Benefit Nomination?

If you complete a Binding Death Benefit Nomination, the proceeds of superannuation should be paid in accordance with the nomination and not be part of the assets of your estate.
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All you need to know about executor’s commission options

Does an executor of a Will get paid?

Depending on the size of the estate, the duties of an executor can range from relatively straightforward through to somewhat complex. This leads us to the question, “does an executor get paid for administering a deceased estate?”
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When parents disagree on child vaccination

When parents disagree on child vaccination

Vaccinations, in general, have historically been an area of dispute between parents for years and the COVID-19 vaccine is no different. So, what happens when the parents cannot agree whether a child should be vaccinated or not?
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A guide to the importance of pre-purchase inspections when purchasing property in NSW

Pre-purchase property inspections NSW

When purchasing property in NSW, it's important to take steps before exchanging contracts, including if purchasing at auction or where no cooling off period applies, to ensure you know the property and how you are going to purchase it.
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Electronic witnessing of legal documents is here to stay in NSW

Electronic witnessing of legal documents is here to stay

The remote witnessing of important legal documents such as Wills, Statutory Declarations and Affidavits over audio-visual link technology is now here to stay in NSW!
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Primary considerations when choosing who to be executor in your Will

Who should be the executor of a Will?

How to choose the executor of your Will is a question regularly asked but there is no simple answer to it. In this blog, we explore some of the common things to consider when choosing your executor.
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